OK, we're all agreed that Reality TV (an oxymoron) sucks -the worst thing to happen to the Vast Wasteland since they took Playhouse 90 off the air. But this DVD purporting to reveal the secret desires & fantasies of hyper-busty Taylor Wayne/Wane and several gal pals hits a new low.
I'm submitting a correction to IMDb right now to remove this baby from the Adult category -it's as wimpy a softcore exercise as one could imagine. Even a dumb segment titled "Bobbing for dildos" doesn't deliver the expected over-the-line lesbian penetration footage that denotes the more risqué videos from the Secret Key/After Hours/Seduction Cinema stable.
Directed by "Thelonius Punk" (jazz is my life, so I really detest his stage name), who also delivered a lesbian-themed Darian Caine vehicle FORBIDDEN DESIRES which I found watchable at least, the hour show is mainly inane interview material where each of the women expounds on her personal likes in the sex department. Some of them are given short shrift (e.g., token Black participant Spicy J, who can barely get a phrase out before Punk cuts away), while others are motor mouths, notably Seduction regular AJ Khan.
It is obvious that the gals are winging it with made-up anecdotes and verbal blather, about as truthful as those wonderful bios and "Favorite This" and "Favorite That" listings one used to read accompanying the pictorials in '60s men's magazines. I remember my amusement at seeing the word "semi-fiction" coined in those classic periodicals, and semi-fiction is what Punk delivers here. The underlying gimmick is when the women's stream of consciousness implies their lesbian inclinations, which is often, and of course panders to the format of this video company and its male fans. I would be curious if any real lesbians watch this junk, clearly targeted toward males of the Maxim magazine demographic.
To at least give the fans something to chew on, the girls pair off in twos and deliver fully nude lesbian sex simulation in 6 or 7 minute segments between the interviews. Since I bought the video merely to see Alexia Moore, having enjoyed her giant-jugs performance in LUST IN SPACE, I liked her two liaisons best -one featuring Khan groping and suckling Moore's mammaries as she had done in SPACE. Khan's surgically enhanced breasts were a treat here, though I suspect die-hard Seduction Cinema fans of hers would probably prefer her original look; it's the Rene Bond syndrome.
As for Wane (I keep thinking of "waning popularity" as a possible epithet for her), this video is all tease, as she never gets down as expected with any of the other gals, and merely does a boring 3-minute striptease at the end in front of a mirror. Given that she is primarily a XXX performer, I found this wimping out act to be quite discouraging.
Production values are miserable: Moore's first sex scene has her pawing a lesser-endowed girl in a hallway, and Khan's interview has her seated in front of a cabinet filled with VHS tapes, framed by a big portable air conditioner unit. Punk operates at a level several rungs below home-made, backyard videography.