The worst thing about this movie is that we have seen this many times before. If it was not for a small twist at the end this is basically copy paste from a million other movies and tv shows. In other words watching this you feel like you've seen 95% of the movie already.
I also think the directing, light, music and scenes/sets smelled a bit low budget. This is not good production value, which is forgivable but it still impacts the general feeling of the movie.
With that said this is still pretty good. I watched this only to see Hannah Bamberg, whom I have been following around a bit on Youtube and saw her checking out a review of this movie she is in and I thought why not. And she is excellent, as most of the rest of the actors in this movie. The acting (mostly) is on top. The few times you can tell the acting is not on top than it is the actors faults, instead it is clearly directing and the script.
I also loved the twist. It felt a little bit like something from some daytime soap, but it worked well.
Overall this is better than it has any right to be, the acting is very solid and if you have nothing else to watch, why not this?
I gave it a 6/10 which probably is a bit generous, but I am also pretty sure that if the budget was the double the movie would have been a lot better too so take it for what it is. Worth seeing and I recommend.