This film begins with a young college student by the name of "Cassie Thompson" (Brytnee Ratledge) being informed that, due to budget costs, her scholarship to a prestigious university was now being cancelled. And although her working-class mother "Debra Thompson" (Elisabetta Fantone) tells her that she is willing to now work two shifts to help out, Cassie adamantly refuses to put her through such an exhaustive schedule. It's during this time that Cassie is told by another student that she should apply for membership in an elite sorority which could potentially provide both housing and tuition at no cost. Needless to say, she is ecstatic when she is told that she has been accepted. However, on the very first day her mother begins to have a strange feeling that something isn't quite right--and it's not long afterward that sorority sisters begin to die under mysterious circumstances. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I honestly didn't know what to expect from this movie due to the made-for-television format. Fortunately, both the plot and the acting were sufficient to maintain my interest and I have rated this movie accordingly. Slightly above average.