Stumbling upon this 2024 thriller titled "Dead Sea" by random chance, and never having heard about it, I opted to give the movie a chance. I have to admit that the movie's synopsis actually sounded interesting enough.
However, having just sat through the entire 88 minutes that the movie ran for, I was left with an overwhelming sensation of 'was that really it?' when the movie came to an end. The movie starts out quite nicely, with writer and director Phil Volken pushing the movie's momentum forward pretty early on. But there was just something fundamentally important missing from the movie's narrative, and it sort of became bland and irrelevant towards the last quarter of the movie.
The movie has a very small cast ensemble, but leading actress Isabel Gravitt did carry the movie well enough with her performance. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie. The acting performances by the cast were good.
There was a little bit of violence in the movie, but nothing noteworthy. "Dead Sea" was not a movie that relied heavily on special effects, and whatever effects were in the movie were actually fair.
"Dead Sea" is by no means a movie that I will return to watch a second time. Nor is it a movie that I will openly recommend people to rush out and get to watch.
My rating of writer and director Phil Volken's 2024 movie lands on a generous four out of ten stars.