Let me start by saying that the Given movie is a good movie; If you like the anime, you'll enjoy the Movie.
With that out of the way I think its important to make one thing clear: If you go in expecting a continuation of the story from episodes 1-11 you will find yourself rather disappointed, as the Given Movie really only follows about half to two thirds of the story of Given.
The Movie almost entirely takes place from the perspectives of Haruki, Akihiko, and Mafuyu. In comparison to these three, Uenoyama has very little, but still important, dialogue.
I don't think this movie is bad, the pacing felt a little off, and the animation can feel a little bit janky in some places, mainly the 3D animated scenes. If they had the resources and time I think the movie would have benefited from another 15-30 minutes, but as it stands was still very enjoyable.
In summation, The Given Movie is an excellent addition to the story of Given, I recommend it to any fan of Given; however, the Given Movie is not a good continuation of Given, and I can only hope it can be the springboard for more Given, whether that is a Second Season, or another movie.