Mildly intriguing series has immortal women running a detective agency. The nudity, sex and gore seem to exist entirely for prurience rather than because they are intrinsic to the story being told. That's fine, but the story is not being told that well, and there were too many times where I wasn't clear on what was going on. At times this feels like a series written for people who already know the story being told.
The most interesting aspect of the series is that since the main characters are immortal, episodes can take place years apart and we can see their friend's and peers age with each episode.
This series occasionally exhibits a little cleverness, and at times it's cheesy sex and violence formula works pretty well, as in the initial episode when a woman apparently dressed in nothing but a trench coat is chased by a gun wielding woman. Enough things work that I did watch the whole series, but enough things don't work that if I could go back in time and redo my decision I would skip it.