Unfortunately the narrative of "Kaymak" feels like a strange satire or paradoxly like a serious comedy. I find it hard to put a label on the genre of this film as it jumps from serious humourless scenes to silly ridiculous ones, that sometimes feel almost vulgar (because of the excess of nudity and sex). As a result it was quite difficult for me to take the sad moments seriously. We can clearly see the parallels in the two story lines yet they are so far from each other that it is actually hard to take them in together at the same time in one film. Overall "Kaymak" is too far-fetched to be believable, yet not far-fetched enough to be a crazy mad fictional entertaining picture. I must admit that I actually think that the initial idea for this film was interesting, just with a bad approach. Eventhough the two story lines finally somehow come together in the final 15 minutes in an unpredictable way, the previous 80 minutes failed to fully capture my attention and interest.