.... Macedonian movie my first I must confess found it on the SBS Australian movie page and at first I thought no it aint gonna grab me then it did a bit then it did more then i was smitten with the entire thing
Clever social tableau pitting the countryside vs Skopje the modern city and modern ways Yuppie couple not conceiving farm it out to a sister who has learning issues etc etc
A very moral story in the end laced with all the themes of modern-day anywhere ... city living neighbours lesbianism triolism wealth differentials between human groups gender roles ... the main thing is how it all plays out here
Was not aware Macedonian was so close to Russian ... at times having more than a passing knowledge of Russian I could understand bits of conversation that was nice
Acting was good from all
Will seek out other Macedonian productions ....
The denouement the last 10 minutes are really good.