The powers that be blocked this. Series(multiple episodes) and I HATE THAT IT WAS BLOCKED!!! Visualization of white slaves is something the white people in power refused to allow to happen. WE NEED THE ENTIRE COLLECTION TO BE RELEASED!!!! This "film" was only the PILOT episode!!! The powers that be don't people to see what happened to black people being done to white even when acting!!! Their superiority complex is ridiculous!!! How many films and TV shows depicted black slavery including rape of black children? Too many to count!!! However, they won't tolerate this SERIES TO BE SEEN!!! The visualization of slavery of whites will be a huge breakthrough for the citizens! This theory was even shown in the film "A time to kill" with Samuel Jac and Mathew M. The jury was unphased until the very end, when he detailed everything that happened, and said "picture the girl being white!!!" THATS the only thing that will make them TRULY UNDERSTAND!!!! RELEASE THE ENTIRE SERIES NOT JUST THE PILOT AND CALL IT A FILM!!! THAT IS COMPLETE BS!!!! RELEASE ALL OF THE EPISODES UNDOCTORED AS ORIGINALLY INTENDED!!!!!!