At a time when you're expected to stay at home while you observer social distancing, there's pretty little you can do. So, how about watching a short film that will crack you up and also teach you a thing or two?
Well, if that's your kind of idea, I'd recommend you watch the Fastest Indian. This is a film that pretty much has it all, from humor to exceptional shooting, you name it and it is here in just these 23 or so minutes.
The script is okay, though predictable at the end as the backed 'horse' does win the race. The drama part of it when the winner is accused of cheating and leaves a country in suspence is on point. If you're looking for suspense wrapped up in humor, this is what you should watch.
Man lesson, if you want something, you can either work for it or steal it. Working makes you a champion, while stealing only makes you a thief.