This story starts around 2009 with a large village in the mountains that Xingfu marries into and covers about 10 years by the end.
The first episode is so frustrating I almost quit watching it. But, the show does get much better.
The show focused on the different attitudes and customs recently found in the countryside when compared to urban attitudes. While not a documentary, I believe the show's intent to to show a slice of rural life and how it has changed in the recent past.
You need to be able to look past the fact that for many crimes in the show there isn't real justice. Often you are left with hidden compromise to maintain social relationships. But, gradually, most of the characters, good and bad, show growth and change.
Keep watching, if you can, because the growth and change is good to see. Although, not all characters show growth or improvement.
Initially, I was quite embarrassed for Chinese rural customs and attitudes and even angry. But, the show eventually made me feel hope for improvement and the future. The Chinese title is "Xingfu Files A Lawsuit", but in English it is "The Story Of Xingfu".