I have to be honest, I groaned when I heard that this was being remade, with the array of possibilities, this seemed like a very uninspired choice.
I am curious as to some of the one and ten star ratings, neither made any sense to me at all, I simply don't see how it can evoke such strong feelings either way.
The word that came to my mind, was predictable, from the casting, to the visuals, right down to the presence of Olivia Colman, it's almost as if The BBC has tried to go right back to basics, but they've just missed the mark.
As you'd expect from The BBC it's very well made, it's also very well acted, no issue with either quality, but it just lacked something, I can't say I feel enthralled by further episodes. It's guilty of being dull.
It feels so unnecessary , and it is by far the weakest made for television adaptation to date, I grew up as a kid with the terrific adaptation starring Anthony Hopkins and Jean Simmons, it never left me, I find it hard to picture this leaving such a mark on anyone.
It looks great, some of the language used feels out of place, but it lacks any real sparkle.