As this anime series opens we are introduced to Shiki Granbell, the sole human living on the planet Granbell; an abandoned theme park planet otherwise only inhabited by abandoned robots, which Shiki considers his friends. When the planet is visited by Rebecca Bluegarden and her robotic cat Happy the robots 'persuade' Shiki to leave with her. Together they determine to explore the cosmos and find 'Mother' a possibly mythical entity who Shiki believes he has met before. Following an early encounter they acquire a new ship; the titular Edens Zero. This ship had four powerful robots helping operate it; to get it running optimally they will need to scour the cosmos for these robots; in doing so they will come across various dangers.
I thought this series was a lot of fun. It nicely combines sci-fi and fantasy tropes. The characters are fun to watch and their quests, to find the four robots and Mother, are interesting. The Ether Gear used by various characters is effectively a magical power which gives the characters different skills; in Shiki's case the ability to control gravity. There is a fair amount of fan service although it will seem tame to anybody who has watched the likes of 'Strike Witches', Elfen Lied' or 'Ikki Tousen'. Similarly the level of violence may be higher than most western animation but is tame compared to many anime series. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of sci-fi and fantasy anime; I look forward to future seasons.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.