This film begins with two estranged sisters named "Mary" (Kate Sandison) and "Tina" (Amanda Jade-Tyler) meeting to discuss the will their mother left behind after her death. More specifically, their concern revolves around a campground which Mary wants to sell while Tina wants to renovate and expand upon it instead. Of course, considering that Tina previously stole Mary's husband, the issue of the campground is actually secondary at this point. However, as might be expected, all of that is put aside when a scarecrow suddenly comes alive and begins killing everyone. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I initially thought that this was going to be one of the few good films in this massive series due in large part to the nature in which the characters were developed. Likewise, having a scarecrow as the supernatural entity behind the killings certainly didn't hurt either. Where the film suffers, however, is the exact location of this supposed campground and its relationship to the actual house in Amityville. I say this because I don't recall any mention of a cornfield being situated in Amityville or, for that matter, any mention of the actual house there either. Instead, the audience is given an alternate story about a child molester who was killed by Mary and Tina's mother for the murder of their older sister. Or something like that. It's all kind of confusing. Throw in weak special effects and a complete lack of suspense and it all adds up to a rather weak horror film, which I have rated accordingly. Below average.