"Butter" penned by upcoming writer Jason Micallef has plenty of flavor. The story is fun and uncomplicated. Yes, there are not-so thinly veiled political undertones that enrich the film, this is an easy watching fun film. I thought Micallef did a fine job balancing the very real world of butter sculpting competitions from the Great Plains states and the absurdity of this unreal black comedy.
Olivia Wilde is a tour d' force in this film. She plays the drifting, sexy Delilah with control and command. No doubt she steals her scenes or is allowed to steal the scenes from the rest of this straight laced line up of characters.
Not to be out done, Jennifer Garner offers a fresh and unpredictable performance. We have grown to love the often tender Garner, it was fun to hate her this time.
Ty Burell gives us more of what we love him for. Mr. Kicked in the Groin, has never been more masterfully perfected than by Burell.
If I could I would buy stock in Yara Shahidi. This young actress will win your heart and have you rooting for her from her first scene. Shahidi is surrounded by a strong cast but she finds her own light and performs above the fray.
The art direction, photography, costumes and other creative rolls are completed well within the expectations of well funded Hollywood backed indie film.
The Weinstein Co with their RADiUS distribution are are again testing the VOD prior to theatrical distribution model. Only time will tell how this will work out but Itunes users are popping for the $9.99 rental. I think the multi-platform distribution model will be perfected and small projects will benefit in the end.