This 10 part miniseries about a murder trial where there is no body and a suppressed backstory is really more about the lives of the jurors, how the trial (and other jurors) impact them and how it informs their thoughts about the case.
There are many characters with concurrent and intersecting stories on each, as well as the trial itself. Some are more convincing than others and especially in the first 4-5 episodes, it was a little slow going at times and I wondered if some of the scenes were even relevant. Perhaps it needed a bit of trimming to maybe 8 episodes to tighten it up a little.
The script is decent and occasionally brilliant, especially in the second half of the series. The acting is variable - Brooke Satchwell shines as juror Georgina, who portrays wrestling with her personal circumstances perfectly - although generally the standard is at least competent. Sam Neil is his usual urbane excellent self as the defence attorney although interestingly there is no personal story attached to either prosecutor or defence.
The ultimate trial outcomes may be the epitome of injustice when taken on face value, but on reflection maybe the right results were achieved, even if the methods to get there were highly flawed. If this was intentional, then it's worth an extra star!
One thing though - if all juries are like these people, best not to come before one!