As Christmas approaches, a tragic circumstance brings a small group of people together for a blessed holiday. Young single mother Devon Weigel (as Traci Adams) figures most in the early running, but this TV-movie focuses on social worker Madeleine Stowe (as Patricia "Patty" Addison) and her pilot husband James Remar (as Mark). This couple has been suffering since the death of their college-aged son in a car accident. He (Daniel Boiteau in flashbacks) was admitted to the hospital by Dr. Ian Ziering (as Nathan Andrews), who is looking forward to becoming a new father...
The Lord moves in mysterious ways..
When there is no foster home for cute Tori Barban (as Emily), Ms. Stowe takes her home for the holidays. The young girl begins to bond with Stowe and Mr. Remar. You will be able to figure out how it all ends for the family. The story is extremely contrived, but nicely performed and directed (by Norma Bailey). The production values are just perfect for the genre; the film looks simple, yet beautiful. Sentimental viewers should have a full box of tissues handy. Moderate to unsentimental viewers will likely throw the box at the TV after the last gift is given, but an empty tissue box won't hurt the set.
****** The Christmas Hope (12/13/09) Norma Bailey ~ Madeleine Stowe, James Remar, Tori Barban, Ian Ziering