Populated throughout with clever, animated, New Yorker style cartoons, fantastic old timey "money shots" and the wisdom of international business experts, the newly minted film, "Hot Money" is a heap of fun to watch.
It exposes how today's moneylenders tie society up in knots. It took a military hero and his son to find out how to make sense of it all with uncanny humor and wit.
Who would of thought that a sudden global onset of fire, flood, and pestilence would turn money into chump change, time into currency, and transform the cliché, a day late and a dollar short into a prophesy?
Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, General Wesley Clark and his son Wes Clark Jr. take us on a rollicking trip through the new reality of how money may no longer make the world go 'round.
Catastrophic climate change combined with looming financial turmoil is making it clear that the only bank account that matters may be the number of livable days and years we have left. The good General and his son show us how to balance the books before the closing bell.
Hot Money is rich with historical context. It severs the knot of economic and political forces that may lead to societal collapse.This investment in knowledge with a little luck, will pay dividends in the future.
Hot Money may be just what we need to avoid burning down tomorrow.