A movie with a very powerful story.
I really wished Amrinder Gill would have played the lead.
God has gifted amberdeep with a amazing writing skill. I don't know why is he wasting time in acting, that's like Salim & Javed acting. We need more punjabi drama movie writers like amberdeep, we have 1000s of fine actors. I know everyone wants to be actor. You are #1 in writing and then smeep and then jagdeep sidhu.
Well, I wanted to do something in life and I did that but some wise guy noticed and highlighted me what my real skill was. I am doing the same and just highlighting amber's skill. I hope he see's and considers it.
I am taken by surprise by Nimrat Khaira's acting. I couldn't think of anyone who would've played it better than her. She played it damn good.