After 'The Passage', a too brilliant series, another super bright and full of potential show bites the dust due to the incommensurable dinosaur-brain quality of the related Network's executives who just lick at the Viewers-Cash_Performance chart.
'Let the Right One In' is so superb, so enthralling, so well-acted that most viewers are aghast and in shock at the cancellation.
I enjoyed it tremendously, loved the screenplay and plots, the cute, emotional and tender friendship between the two teenagers, the atmosphere and pace of the show and above all, the more than marvelous acting of Madison Taylor Baez who at such tender age, is already a force to reckon with. Loved her serious, powerful and very charismatic play.
One of the better ending to date, opening new horizons, just wasted.
- Screenplay/storyline/plots: 7.5
- Development: 8
- Realism: 7
- Entertainment: 8.5
- Acting: 8
- Filming/photography/cinematography: 8
- VFX: 8.5
- Music/score/sound: 7
- Depth: 7.5
- Logic: 6.5
- Flow: 8.5
- Drama/horror: 7.5
- Ending: 8.5.