1st watched 11/19/2021 - (Dir-Tyler Glodt):
Intense pyscho-religious bloodfest that starts out like a typical young kids get wasted, get horny, and get killed vehicle - but turns into something much different, but not much better. This group have car trouble on the way to some beach in Texas, and than wander into an abandoned creepy church while someone is working on the car. They can't fix the car fully, and they don't get much cell reception but a couple of police officers direct them to a cabin where they end up entering and taking over. Than 2by2 they wander off into sexual escapades until a young blond is captured. At this point, the movie is trying to lead us on by radio news talking about young 20-something girls being missing in the area, so we think she is one that has run into that trap. Than the movie switches gears, as one of the men becomes the evil one following his father's ideals borne from a religious cult called "The Eves." The rest of the movie is about the innocent ones trying to survive, and the man with his brothers(who were all a part of the original group) try to kill them off. The early part of the movie doesn't make much sense coupled with the second part. They try to set us up for a typical killer movie, and than lie to us and turn it into a creepy religious cult movie. The second half was better than the first half and I have to say I loved the ending, but that didn't make for a good whole movie experience.