Soulless writing with poor execution
Songs and BGM are major drawbacks... nothing really works out well in the movie
Below par directorial skills, so many logical loop holes in the narration...
Though the movie has got decent production values, technicalities were quite substandard...
Improper setup and unseemly conflict point establishment...
Decent interval block set!!
Over the top action sequences... the movie just keeps getting cringier at every point doesn't really cope up with audience engagement...
Predictable screenplay and unworthy flashback episode...
Poor character development... Akhil does have the potential as an energetic youngster, but on a whole it turns out to be complete mess and slowly starts to torture the viewers...
Even rest of the characters doesn't have any scope... in the end it's just another half-baked product
Overall: Surrender reddy's poor work, a huge disappointing mindless spy action flick!!