Aggiungi una trama nella tua linguaWhat you sow so shall you reap. If morals and values are imbibed in us from the very start two generation would be alike. However it is always a different picture when it comes to two genera... Leggi tuttoWhat you sow so shall you reap. If morals and values are imbibed in us from the very start two generation would be alike. However it is always a different picture when it comes to two generations. The gap between the two makes a huge difference in the way they think and act. The ... Leggi tuttoWhat you sow so shall you reap. If morals and values are imbibed in us from the very start two generation would be alike. However it is always a different picture when it comes to two generations. The gap between the two makes a huge difference in the way they think and act. The film revolves around this concept and shows how we should look at the views of both genera... Leggi tutto