This is a very decent offering from French Canadian Television: well scripted, well directed, well acted, and contrary to the naysayers - it is believable! To address the comment that the senior police officer was too old and would be too unfit to carry out his duties: perhaps you missed the scene of his working out in their gym, monitoring his vitals and talking about how much longer the workouts needed to last?! In Canada, our officers have routine fitness training and assessments- so that critique is just ageist at best and wrong at worst!
As for Eve knowing how to retrieve "memories", might I suggest you educate yourselves: it's a well established and documented fact that the brain takes in all sorts of details, that may only be retrieved under certain circumstances and questions. Thus this "flaw" as some reviewers called it, is anything but! Just because it may challenge your current position or lack of knowledge, does not make something unbelievable!
To all those naysayers, I say NO! Educate yourself, and stop exhibiting the D-K effect in such startling force!
The show is believable, honest and very human - it portrays the good and the bad in each of us and address complex human behaviours as well as medical issues.
This is a show that is not to be missed!!
Well done Canada.