Thought-provoking, darkly funny, intelligently written and beautifully shot in black and white, "Forty Winks" is an incredibly mature and well established directorial debut from teen director William Atticus Parker, that takes a wonderfully off-kilter approach to heavy themes.
No wonder why the film features incredible actors like Susan Sarandon and John Turturro. All you need to do is listen to the dialogue, and look out for the way scenes are set up, and you'll quickly get it. In layman's terms, the screenplay is an absolute treat, deftly balancing comedy, mystery, drama and crime. It's magnificent to see such wonderful young filmmakers coming up through independent filmmaking, with such refreshingly original material.
This is a rollercoaster ride in which you'll be on the edge of your seat the entire time. I found myself getting emotional a handful of times, I laughed multiple times, I was entirely intrigued from start to finish, I was thrilled, and most importantly, I was entertained by this wicked little flick. The performances are all magnificent across the board, particularly from Justin Marcel McManus, who turns in a spectacular performance that's both endearing and heartwrenching. This film serves as a perfect example of what can be achieved when every element, aspect and crew member are firing from all cylinders.
MovieFestUK - IG.