In the beginning I had fun the gameplay is very fondant smooth even if the story didn't compare me one little bit in the beginning, but when I got halfway through it and they begin to talk nonsense and it begin to become like Kingdom Hearts with Darkness and light and light and darkness. I begin to have a smile on my face and I know , I am home.
I mean the story is not nonsense in that way. They are just in that way where they don't tell you anything before the last quarter of the game and in the first to have you just like something is wrong. Something is weird here, but then the reveal aha, this is how the story actually is and I'm just like oh nice this is fun and stupid I like this.
But because my brain didn't have any story to go on the first half of the game I begin to ask myself how fun can awesome compat system be without a story is this one of those game part gameplay holds it up so much that the story is is irrelevant.
Luckily no the story got interesting in the last half, but the gameplay is what is important It is so f** good and fun and I love all the kill animations. They look gorgeous.
But it feels amazing to hit the enemies is so many variant of them and they are so many jobs systems that I could play in many different ways. I ended up just playing with a big axe and Spear because that was the most fun, but the gameplay just wanted me to go through it more and more I couldn't stop myself. This is the most fun gameplay. I've played in a while.
It is fun. It a smaller project it has a story about the fighting chaos and i proud of everyone on the development team for creating something this f** stupid and that close look amazing.