Although the script was predicable and had the usual snowball fight, cookie baking and misunderstanding it ended with the kiss. I thought the leads had good chemistry. I disagree with a previous reviewer who called them "uggos". When people judge a movie based upon the looks of the main characters, I wonder what the reviewer looks like. He also must be blind. In addition to being good actors, Erin Agostino is very pretty and Dillon Casey is quite the handsome hunk. The supporting cast was very good especially young Maya Misaljevic and Deborah Tennant.
I liked the fact that the houses were not decorated too "over the top" ala Hallmark, but I wish these LA set designers would find out what real snow looks like. You don't have to show the dirty snow and slush, but having supposed day old snow look pristine only emphasizes the fact it's fake. FYI, poinsettias are a tropical plant and would never be outdoors in winter and if we have outside events we clear the walkways and festival sites.