An absolute gem in Iranian cinema, where Panah Panahi the son of Jafar Panahi takes the realism to another level, where the reality of life in Iran becomes surreal. "When we were kids, we would swim in it. Nowadays, you can only have a dust bath."
The film depicts the very last trip of the family together. But Panahi keeps it real as it is in life. He shows simply by deeply the worries, sorrows and concerns of each family member. The movie is really Iranian, bittersweet. We've learned how to laugh and make jokes in our craziest, saddest times just like when the Mom is dancing with tearful wet eyes.
The actors are great but Pantea Panahiha is absolutely brilliant. Dialogues are so well written and the movie is full of poetic long shots which Panahi has brought from the cinema of his dad and predecessors masters like Kiarostami but it never gets boring.