'Por do Sol' is a comedy series that tries to mimic a traditional Portuguese soap opera. It takes all of of the usual soap opera cliches (the family struggles in a rural homestead, the illegitimate children, the convulted love triangles, the overly dramatic dialogs, the evil revenge-seeking siblings, the slaps, lots of slapping...) and doubles down on them to ridiculous levels, adding lots of nonsense in between.
What truly makes it endearing is the amount of running gags based on Portuguese pop culture - this is not a show you can watch just with English subtitles withouth being familiar with Portuguese culture, otherwise you will miss most of the references. The humour density is often pretty high even though each episode can be hit or miss.
While some jokes do get a bit repetitive, and some characters become pretty adimensional overtime, Season 2 does breathe new life on most subplots, adding new angles and surprising twists to some initially bland characters.
The irony of it all is that funny enough, it actually becomes interesting to watch the story unfold, and while you may have started watching it for the silly jokes and the soap opera satire, you will probably stay for the endearing characters and the bizzarre plot.
A must watch for Portuguese television.