Benedict Stone (Tom Everett Scott) is breaking up with his wife (Mía Maestro). One rainy night, his niece Gemma Stone (Ella Ballentine) suddenly shows up. He's been estranged from his brother for 20 years and has never met his niece. She claims to have lost her phone and can't remember her dad's phone number.
The movie starts with the obvious question of who is Gemma. There are some obvious possible avenues to take. One must also remember that this is Hallmark. There are a few possibilities. One big clue is Ben's comment that she looks like her brother. That zeroed in on a couple of solutions and it becomes a matter of waiting. The story itself is not that compelling. The characters are not that interesting either. Ben is moppy. In Gemma's case, she's random and obviously pushing an agenda. The mystery is not actually that mysterious. In that sense, the mystery remains the same throughout and it's a lot of waiting for the reveal. In the end, the reveal is underwhelming. It's probably the safest and least interesting of all the possibilities. This is not that interesting.