This Mexican series, a remake of a Colombian show, opens with five women having a rather surprising meeting at a resort in Cancun. Each of them is named Juana and each of them has an identical birthmark on their backside! They soon learn that they have the same father but different mothers. The more they learn about their father, a powerful politician expecting a major promotion the more they determine to take revenge for how he threated their mothers. Along the way they will face many difficulties and some real danger.
It must be stated that this series is based on an unlikely coincidence but if you can get past that and don't mind plenty of melodrama it is rather fun. The five Juanas of the title are suitably different in character; one is a trainee nun another is a stripper for example! The other characters are interesting; some appear good, some are good and some are obvious villains; as one might expect from such a story. If you want lots of action you may be disappointed but there is often a sense of threat; sometimes the danger is physical other times reputational. The villains of the story are suitably wicked, even if it isn't always immediately obvious. There is a fair amount of sex and nudity although for the most part not too much is visible; just the occasional backside or glimpse of a breast. Overall I thought it was a fairly entertaining series; perhaps not a must see but still fun enough for me to be glad I chose to watch it.
These comments are based on watching the series in Spanish with English subtitles.