"The Blue Drum" (2022) is a short film that attempts to create a haunting and atmospheric experience, but ultimately falls short of its potential. While it boasts some intriguing visuals and sound design, the narrative feels underdeveloped and leaves the viewer with more questions than answers.
The film follows Leticia, a young woman grappling with the recent death of her father and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her mother's disappearance. The atmosphere is effectively eerie, with the use of shadows and sound creating a sense of unease. The performance of Crystal Hernandez as Leticia is commendable, conveying her character's vulnerability and determination.
However, the film's narrative feels rushed and lacks clarity. The central mystery surrounding the blue drum and its connection to Leticia's family remains largely unexplained, leaving the viewer feeling unsatisfied. The ending, while attempting to be impactful, feels abrupt and lacks a sense of closure.
While "The Blue Drum" demonstrates potential with its atmospheric visuals and sound design, its underdeveloped narrative and unsatisfying conclusion prevent it from being a truly compelling short film. It feels like a missed opportunity to explore a more profound and engaging story.