I don't normally seek out indie horror films, but "Abigail" caught my eye as potentially being a smart coming-of-age flick with an engaging premise: Teen moves into new town to escape a sketchy (yet unknown) past, and a kind of black widow persona is revealed. Hey - sounds intriguing to me!
And... it did not disappoint. Cool titles and excellent sound work led immediately into an engaging prelude scene that will really hook you into the story. The cast chemistry was terrific, led by an outstanding performance by lead actor Ava Cantrell. Her relentless persistence with Tren Reed-Browns character and the friction with her mom played by Hermione Lynch made for a dynamic tension with both that drove the movie forward.
Several key scenes backed by an awesome soundtrack peeled back more of Abigail's persona (and potentially her past?), and painted a full picture of her that still haunts me. Ms. Cantrell's performance, going progressively edgier with every scene, is marvelous to watch, portending twists in the third act that will leave you satisfied and asking for a sequel.
I thoroughly enjoyed Abigail, from the storytelling and acting prowess on through the continuity details and production value. This is a character and premise that can really go places and I'm hoping for more of Cantrell, Reed-Brown and others. I rented and streamed it on iTunes.