High school student Wakana Gojo is an orphan who is being raised by his grandfather who makes traditional Japanese hina dolls. He works in his grandfather's shop and is learning to make the dolls himself. At school he is shy and doesn't advertise the fact that he is involved with the dolls. One day Marin Kitagawa, an attractive, popular, extrovert, who he rather fancies, learns what he does... he expects to be teased but instead, having seen the doll dresses he makes, she asks him to make her a cosplay costume. He agrees and they become friends and makes more costumes for her; she starts developing feelings for him but will either of them pluck up the courage to tell the other how they feel.
When I started watching this I didn't know what to expect; I certainly didn't quite expect what I got. The hina dolls don't take up too much of the plot; the making of Marin's costumes is far more important. While there is some fan service it isn't offensive as it doesn't feel unjustified. The characters are a lot of fun and the series looks great; especially the costumes Wakana designs. The romance is gently played out in a way that has one rooting for Wakana and Marin; while there are other important female characters the series never feels as though it might stray into the cliché of becoming a harem show. Overall I'd definitely recommend this to any anime fan looking for something sweet, romantic and genuinely amusing.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.