Pretty Little Liars is an interesting teen drama shown on ABC Family. The plot of the show involves a circle of four female friends who become engrossed in a missing persons case when the "queen bee" of their group, Allison, goes missing and the remaining friends find themselves being blackmailed by "A" who seems to know an awful lot of their secrets.
Unlike the other ABC Family teen dramas (i.e. - Secret Life of the American Teenager) I found that Pretty Little Liars has much better character development and the actors who portray them are all very believable and talented. Each character has their own interesting subplot which is what really drives the show. The initial idea of teenage girls being blackmailed definitely was not interesting to me but after the first episode I found myself hooked. I felt like I had to know what happened next to each character, even the ones that seem to have more minor roles.
This may not be a show that will win huge awards since it is definitely meant to appeal to a specific demographic, but it is refreshing to see a teen drama that is not completely based around sex and deals with other common issues too. This show is interesting enough that even if you are not a teenage girl it is still fun to watch and less feminine or religiously biased than other ABC Family series out there.