I can't call this film "riveting" or "eye-opening". It is low-tone and most of its information is hardly surprising to me. But I am more interested in politics than most other people. However, don't listen to the extremists form both sides when they accuse this documentary of "lies". Yes, if you are a Koran-burner or a Bin Laden fan, the facts in this film will make you mad and you will want to burn some more Korans or more American/Israeli flags or Danish cartoonists or KFC outlets, but normal people will recognize that this film is truthful.
I checked main facts from this documentary against other sources, and all of them were confirmed. This film correctly explains the jihadist mindset of the Islamic extremists and the feeling of "humiliation" that many in the Islamic world feel towards the more economically, socially, and technologically successful western countries; and equally correctly explains why Americans should never allow our leaders to abandon our democratic values under the pretext of "fighting terror". This film explains why its not only immoral but also bad policy to keep invading foreign countries, to torture prisoners, to suspend civil liberties etc, as this only feeds the resentment in the Islamic world. After this film one gets a desire to join the Libertarian Party.