I felt it I know that the "After Dark Horrorfest" often do really bad horror films that are just clichéd with very little interesting characters or action. The only exception being the mesmerising "Frontier(s)". Obviously "Seconds Apart" is no where near the standard of "Frontier(s)" but it is a very interesting, watchable and enjoyable film! I would very happily watch "Seconds Apart" again, just for it's pure bravery to go beyond the conventional slasher or ghost story and create quite a complex blend of narrative and characters.
Just imagine Jedward but even more terrifying. Even though I am convinced that this is probably what Jedward get up to and I'm pretty sure that if john or Edward got a girlfriend they would end up killing each other. But anyway, getting away from the point! The twins are really interesting characters to have to front the film. They are the protagonists but pure evil. They're performances are really chilling and they are well-written characters which is nice to see. Geroge Richards (the writer) manages to make them completely unlikable and likable at the same time. they're fascinating! Unfortunately the burnt black cop isn't quite so interesting as the boys and his story, although complex and well thought out is unnecessary and quite annoying.
"Seconds Apart" is directed like a music video. It's got almost too much style with lots of cuts and fades to black and jump cuts that can be quite off-putting but also quite nice to see. I know I'm not making any sense but I did quite like the mad-cap editing in some places. It was obviously well thought-out and broke away from the boring static conventions which we find in every single horror film! The cinematography was really excellent though and the set-pieces such as the twins creepy old house were really well done.
Although the story was OK I couldn't help but feel it could've gone better. I think I would've preferred to have seen more drama and sibling rivalry when Jonah or Seth (can't tell 'em apart!) got a girlfriend because I found that prospect really interesting. However instead they decided to focus much more on the detective getting closer to them which was exciting but not as interesting. I think the fight seen at the end of the film could've been better also.
The score and music in general was really well done here, it's got a creepy edge to it and is memorable. Overall (especially me actually being a twin) it was quite a creepy and fascinating insight. With stylish direction, thoughtful writing and glorious characters! With some tweaks this could've been a really great film, but is instead just a really good film. But oh well, it was fun and although there could've been a little more gore the deaths were disturbing and creative anyways. I'm giving it a very solid 7 out of 10 which is definitely leaning more towards the 8 side. Definitely worth a watch.