DON'T BUY OR RENT THIS FILM! IT SUCKS SO BAD THAT I WOULD MUCH RATHER HAVE MY TEETH PULLED OUT THEN EVER SEE THIS FILM AGAIN! It's absolutely stupid! Why Kurt Angle would you ever agree to look like an idiot for taking this film's role? Kurt you're a great athlete and cool wrestler but please stay away from trash like this. I wonder what made you want to be in Sharknado 2 as well because these are two of the sorriest excuses for movies I've ever seen. I want my time back! The full hour this film has stolen away from my life! That's an hour I'm never going to get back and I'm very mad! The script writer should be fired and be blacklisted for a film as worse as this. Please stay away from this film! I give it a 0 out of 10.