First off, I don't understand why some people are criticising this as being in the same style as The Office and Extras, rehashing old jokes and concepts. So what? Both shows were funny and this is even funnier. What's more, this show is missing the pathos the previous shows had, which reserved some space for us to empathise with some of the characters, and in doing so, slowed the shows down a bit at times. Not a bad thing, by any means, but in Life's Too Short we're offered one great comedy scene after another, with a lovable character who's more than happy to make us laugh at his expense and pulling no punches with the material he's given to work with.
The fact that the show guest stars other various celebrities 'playing themselves' (as in Extras), is an aspect that's always welcome to watch. But what's more important of this type of show, is not just the exceptional writing and cringe worthy situations the characters find themselves in, but the facial expressions and comic timing of every character. And when that's done right, as it is here, then I wouldn't mind seeing this kind of comedy rehashed over and over - for some jokes just never get old.