I'm going to try and make this review short and sweet, but please excuse me if I ramble. This show is to James Rolfe, what "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is to Larry David. A great follow up to an already great show.
This show started with an uncharacteristic review of a board game, Mouse Trap, by James Rolfe. Well, that video was very popular, so Rolfe created a new character that would specifically review board games. His good friend Mike Matei is given a bigger role than he usually has on AVGN (where he plays various characters) which is great because now, Rolfe finally has another character to interact with.
There are only eight episodes so far, and I look forward to more. The only criticism I have is that it isn't quite as good as AVGN, but that doesn't mean it's not great.
If the first seven episodes don't do it for you, I highly recommend the episode entitled "Mr. Bucket", which is, one, the most popular episode of the series, and two, one of the best films Mr. Rolfe has ever made.
The final word: Just terrific, informative and very funny! 9/10