I was turned onto this show by a friend and at first I was barely able to watch it but the more I persevered, the more hooked I became. It is a little scary to contemplate the prospect of so many completely dysfunctional and extremely odd swedes arriving in deluges to chase sunshine, sea and sex and thereby feed an increasingly sick tourist industry in Thailand and that I guess, was part of the fascination for the show. I have to say that the acting was excellent in most cases especially the guy who plays Glen and the young woman who plays Joy. There is a slight 'B' movie-ish feel to the show and some things just don't work; for example the scene where the little girl digs up what is supposed to be a septic tank, drags it over to the neighbours beach and unleashes the contents- that was just plain terrible. Generally speaking though; I thought the show really good and especially bearing in mind how hard it is for a non-English speaking country to break into the market.I even liked the music which is quaint but catchy.