Remember my earlier review? Well now,this hopefully will a cleaner version of it. This is the worst Qubo show ever made. I've said that with This Just In and The Goode Family,but this is the worst. It's about this fairy who find weird stuff at the park. And all show's antagonist are complete idiots. First off,this show rips off a way better version of this show, Flapjack. Even the theme song rips it off. I mean,think of Pearlie as Flapjack, Jasper as K'nuckles and Ople as Bubbie.
Second of all, the Villains all have a problem. Gobsmack, who is the worst character of the show is a huge idiot and is a rip-off of Wario. Saphira is as dumb as him. Also, why does Gobsmack have a big nose? And Moe is basically some daisy cutting pixie and appearance are basically wrong. Did the creators thing it's drugs solve all there problems?
Third,the animation & voices. It's too colorful and loud that it wants you blind and death.It even looks like Homestar Runner on drugs.
And fourth,what was Qubo thinking? Did they suddenly give up at airing good shows. Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat, Oggy and The Cockroaches and (an English dub for) Bomberman Jetters would of made a great qubo block, but why air this? This is another show for stoners. Okay,in a recap,this is basically the worst flash cartoon ever made. It makes Yakkity Yak look like the best cartoon ever made. Qubo, please air Twisted Tales of Felix, Oggy, Spaceballs: The Animated Series, Mr. Bean: The Animated Series, Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island and many more of trues classics back on the air. I want this to be off the air now,and when I mean now,I mean NOW!