first of all, by claiming this movie was 'inspired by true event' is a total joke. and then, the screenplay writer(s), the director and the actor who play the twin brother role, all did unconvincing jobs, resulting this movie turned out to be a total mess. the actor who played the twin brothers got a very serious speaking problem. all the dialog he delivered sounded like his mouth got several marbles in it, there's no way to hear clearly what he said, every word, every sentence are just blurring, there's no way to quite understand what he's talking about. as to the movie itself, what a messy screenplay we got here. we did not know why the mother who bore these twins hated them so much, and why the father treated them like someone else sons. one evil and one good, but after seeing this pathetic movie, neither was good, and both were evil. then came the poor directing followed by the poorly crafted screenplay, the twin brothers were so confusing, sometimes you felt there's just one brother who got 'split personalities' problem; or there were indeed two look-alike brothers, both got mental problems, or one of them was serial killer. there were so many gray areas that confused the audience to the extreme. there were so many scenes that were totally unnecessary and purposeless. the whole movie simply turned weirder and weirder, more confusing as the movie continued. at first, there's some promising moment that this movie might be good and different from the usual movies in the similar genre, but in the end, just another ridiculous and messy crap that you carelessly ate up without knowing before it's too late. i strongly suggest that this actor who played the double images of the twin brothers go find some speaking specialist to adjust and correct his blurring speaking problem.