No pun intended - I reckon it is not even permitted to talk about elephants in the room. So pointing out the obvious is out the window and we'll get to the meat (again no pun intended) of the movie, instead of its players.
So the story that I would not really put into the horror category, but more into the thriller genre, is overall fine or at least decent. It is predictable, but it does work. And while the female lead may not impress everyone, it is the non English actors who are doing the heavy lifting (no pun intended - and you may know them from a lot of other stuff if you watch a lot of movies).
Hopefully this works - and as they say ... lucky number three - but back to the morality and your own moral compass that will still be important ... and your liking ... outside the story ... talking of the story: it at least looks good (no pun intended here either). So yes I do feel it is rated a bit too low (for reasons you can guess yourself), but it also is not great ... you probably will have better things to do with your time anyway .. unless you are a fan of course.