Judging from the title and cover when I picked this up for my friend, I was expecting the story to be about a rapping boxer who makes it big with his mad turntable skillz. What I got was a trashy feel good movie, that held no appeal to the African American audience it would be happy to embrace. Doggie B could have been the next big thing - a watershed film about the struggles that dogs have to become rappers. Instead, it's about some girl whose mom is a stereotypical asshole fighting against an oppressive hyper-cat lady to secure her uncles dog dancing ring. I wanted to see Doggie B go into the dark underground Dog Fighting scene. I wanted to see Doggie B battle to get a record deal. Instead, what I got was a movie that shames me more then it does excite me. 'Doggie B' gets a 2/10 from this unhappy film viewer.