Tengo ganas de ti (I want you) is the follow up film to 3 metros sobre el cielo (3 steps above heaven). H returns home from abroad more mature and while he settles in at his brothers place, he meets up with some of the remaining members of his old crew. He also meets Gin, a young free-spirited bohemian artist who lives with her brother and is very interested in H. H gets a job in a theater as assistant production crew and Gin ends up trying out for the production...just as things heat up between H and G, Babi arrives
Babi introduces a melancholy section to the film when what initially seems like a reunion becomes closure and leads to some devastating events.
The ending was decent, but overall the first film is better. Mario Casas and Clara Lago, have great chemistry as H and Gin and I did prefer their more mature connection, but the overall story between H and Babi was much more epic and film worthy.
I did like this more mature H and I love Mario Casas...but I am going to stick with the first film is better. I can recommend it to those romantics who are looking for closer between H and Babi.
Review is based on watching in it's original Spanish language with English subtitles.