The previews for Allen Gregory seemed to offer some promise of a cartoon series ripe with witty sarcasm and humorous cynicism. It seemed like it might be comparable to Southpark or Family Guy (before the show started declining, that is).
Unfortunately, the actual show itself is crude, crass, possibly controversial (I say "possibly" because I'm sure some people will be put off by the open-armed acceptance of gay couples...but I am not one of them), and even outright disgusting (some people will be VERY put off by the sex fantasy Allen Gregory has about his 60+, overweight principal...and I AM one of those people).
The premise is simple: a spoiled rich kid, used to being home schooled by his "gay" stepfather (who we find out later, actually isn't gay at all, which only serves to add a new level of disturbing to this already messed up show) is sent to a regular school where he openly insults everyone he comes across and lives in a fantasy world where he believes he's the center of attention for all.
Some of the lines in here were good for a chuckle or two...but about half-way through the show everything seems to just go rapidly down hill. I admit I watched the first episode out of curiosity. Curiosity having been satisfied, this is NOT a show I will be watching future episodes of.
All in all, what could have been a decent cartoon in the hands of someone OTHER than Jonah Hill turns out to be a major waste of time for those of us unfortunate enough to have sat through the first episode's half hour run time.