OK first of all I like Jaime Pressly. I think she is a good actress. I happened upon this show by complete accident, it was on a channel i don't normally watch, i didn't c the premiere of it. FIRST, the name of the show SUCKS. Mothers DO NOT hate their daughters. They should come up with a better name. SECOND, Jamie was trying too hard in episode 2. episode 2 wasn't bad..i might watch next week to c IF it improves or not. that is, if i can find it again. The rest of the cast was OK, nothing really special BUT its early. I didn't think they should start this new show right off, with such a serious problem as teens having babies. to me, that is something they can take on IF they get "picked up" by the network. they should have started off easier and perhaps a little bit funnier - after all, it IS a sitcom. The supporting cast seemed to be OK, but not seeing the first episode i was slightly lost in who was who. Maybe i will check it out next week, if you have read my review, thanks - please check back next week to see if i review episode 3 or not.