The premise of the movie is exciting to say the least. I was eager to see it and how they handled this quite interesting and fairly unusual topic of post-natal depression (and/or all other possible mental conditions of the mother right after birth).
Unfortunately the movie fails to make the protagonist even slightly relatable. At the start there were a few attempts of showing things through her perspective but afterwards we left her realm and were just mere observers. As a result her actions seem very random and downright stupid at times (even when seen as mentally unstable). You keep waiting in vain for at least some sort of meaningful access to her inner world.
We follow her around in very prolonged meaningless scenes, there is almost no text in the whole movie and the little text is pseudo-deep.
So what disappointed me the most is that there is no true exploration of the topic. We follow her through all these different episodes but it feels random and contrived. Many scenes feel like they are only there to make the film artsy.
The actress is not bad per se but it seems she wasn't given anything to work with which ends up making this movie void of any emotion other than you wanting to leave the theatre. I was also at the Q&A at the Berlinale screening and the main actress basically admitted that she didn't know what she was doing and that no one knows what the character was supposed to feel.
So while the team seems nice and the project was surely with good intentions, it was a failure to portray the topic properly or of any lasting impression.