Haven't written a review in years but had to rectify this wrong.
It's really unfair how stupid movies and series get thousands of reviews and recognition but gems like this only have 30 odd reviews. Hopefully now that Netflix has picked up season 3 and produced a masterpiece, maybe it will start to get the recognition it deserves.
For people watching the 3rd season first, you can watch it as a standalone as even though it is a continuing story line from past seasons like Narcos, etc, you will still understand whats going on and will really connect with the characters.
All in all a very gritty and realistic ride. The character development, suspense, twists are great and at the end of it you will be left wondering why you haven't heard of or seen this series before.
P.S - The ending of season 3 left very mouth watering prospects for season 4 to fulfill.