This film essentially begins with a priest by the name of "Father Benna" (Jeff Kirkendall) entering the infamous house in Amityville with the intention of exorcising the evil spirit that resides there. To his dismay, rather than exorcising the demon from the house, he ends up exorcising the entire house into outer space where the two of them are trapped for hundreds of years. The scene then shifts to a spaceship touring the galaxy in search of black holes when it comes upon that very house. Naturally, being somewhat curious about it, they decide to investigate it even further--and that's when they encounter true evil for the very first time. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this if the fourth time Mark Polonia has directed a film using the Amityville title. To that effect, having failed in his previous three attempts, he continues to let his audience down with this one as well. The acting was bad. The special effects were bad. The plot was bad. Everything was bad. That being said, if you like a movie simply because it's bad, then this is definitely the film for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't even give this film a second thought. It's just not worth it.